Thursday 30 March 2017

Discussion from Observation 1 Friday 31st March

What Robin said...

What do you do when you get stuck in your writng?

  • I ask the teacher 
  • I stop getting distracted and move so I am writing on my own
  • I focus on my words
  • I think of what is going to be next
What does your teacher do to help you?
  • She reminds me of what we are learning to do
  • She asks me if it is making sense
  • She asks me for more detail
Do you like writing?
  • I like writing cos it shows my feelings in the best way.
What do you like writing about?
  • Culture and countries and World stuff. Non fiction stuff, stuff that is true. Cities writing I like best. 
What do good writers do?
  • Don't repeat stuff
  • Tell quite stringly
  • Bad writers keep saying the same stuff
  • Good writers dont write as much. They write not as much as bad writers cos they dont repeat stuff. 
  • Tell things for the audience
  • Donr get distracted when they are writing
How has your writing changed from Year 5 to Year 6?
  • I have improved my writing. I did like more writig now, but not writing the same stuff, saying different stuff.  I know more ideas to write. When I wa sin Year 5 I didnt write more interesting stuff. In Year 6 I have learned aboutsentences being interesting and about nouns and adjectives and verbs and how to start sentneces in an interesting way. 
Robin spoke really well about his learning. He is an ELL student and I thought what he said showed an understanding of himself as a learner and of what he was learning.  Much of what we have been working on in class came through in what Robin said.

Next Steps for Robin: 
  • Deliberate choice of vocab with an audience in mind.
  • Strategies for what good writers do.

Next Steps for me:  
  • To keep building a shared understadning of the language of learning.
  • To establish writers groups and group conferencing. 

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