Sunday 9 October 2016

OBSERVATION SHEET for 21st September

Individual Observation:   21/9/2016   Week 9 Term 3 2016
1. Which students/group are you working with for this lesson?
One student - Anika
2. The learning goals/learning intention for the students during the observation will be:
To conference to promote further learning
Features of an factual report - the facts are recorded without the personal opinion
IALT write facts in my own words.
After conferencing last week, Anika realised that she had more personal content than factual content in her information report.   Her next learning step was to take out the personal content, see what she had left and then add facts as needed.   She found this a challenge to do, so had scribbled out her work and was starting again.
I have photocopied her writing. Today’s one to one conference with her will be to cut up the writing with her and organise the parts that are factual and the parts that are personal content.  
We will then look at her next steps - which will be to organise under subheadings and to add more factual information.   Anika also confuses number of lines written with number of sentences.  
Why this learning for these students?
Anika loves to write fictional stories, specifically fantasy and creative retelling of books she has read. She has found it a challenge to move into factual writing where she is required to write facts in her own words but not to write in a less formal way with personal comment.
3. How will we know that these students are learning what you are intending them to learn?  i.e., what is the success criteria?
Remember to records facts in your own words.  
Facts that are about the same topic go together under a sub heading.
4. What will it look like when the students understand it?
A factual information report organised under headings with facts and no personal comments.
5. What is the professional goal you are focussing on during this observation?
Promoting further learning - recognising what is needed to move students forward in their learning. This could be one to one conferencing, buddy conferencing,  group writing conference.
6. What will this look like in practice?
Regular writing conferences based on one of the above.
7. How will you know you have been successful?
Evidence of conferencing in books and writing process.