Thursday 7 July 2016

Observation and PAC 2 June 2016

Observation and PAC 2 June 2016


My goal for this observation was to promote further learning by responding as a reader and using prompts.  The piece of writing was a poem and gave the students opportunity to use expressive and descriptive language.  A model had been used as the motivation, and 'remember to" drawn from this model.

Prompts I used for Reminder to draw attention back to the remember to's and : 
What am I listening for?
Show me where...
Tell me more about .....
I'm not sure this part makes sense ... listen as I read it to you .....

Reflection:  There was much improved student to student dialogue and less teacher voice. I was prompting the students to look deeper into their writing and to question each other more directly as readers. 

Next Steps:   (CR) Promoting further learning through effective classroom talk.  

Next Steps:  (Romy) To explore the I in PIE - to look at nonfiction writing and the genre he can choose from. (This goal needs to be tightened up)

Key Strategies involved in formative assessment

1.            Creating a classroom culture in which all involved see ability as incremental rather than fixed.
2.            Involving pupils in planning both appropriately pitched content and meaningful contexts.
3.            Clarifying learning intentions and establishing pupil-generated and therefore pupil-owned success criteria.
4.            Sharing multiple models and examples so pupils can see what the learning looks like and what quality looks like.
5.            Enabling and planning effective classroom dialogic talk and worthwhile questioning. (Dialogic talk  - give pupils a voice, a chance to discuss their learning, listen in a supportive environment, build on their own and others ideas, purposeful talk).
6.             Involving pupils in analysis and discussion about what excellence consists of – not just the meeting of success criteria, but how to best meet them.

7.            Establishing continual opportunities for timely review and feedback from teachers and pupils, focusing on recognition of success and improvement needs, and the provision of time to act on that feedback.

Pre Ob Sheet 2

Pre-Observation Conversation  Week 6 Term 2 2016
Group Observation:

1.       Which students/group are you working with for this lesson?
Romy – radar student for writing. Work with him in a writers group.

2. The learning goals/learning intention for the students during the observation will be:
  • Specific choice of words and phrases to put into writing to enhance a mood or an overall feeling in his writing
  • Build vocab so words become more specific

- Why this learning for these students?
Moving the students away from the use of general describing words to words that portray a mood or capture a feeling – this is more in line with writing expected at Year 7 and 8 – deliberate selection of vocab

3. How will we know that these students are learning what you are intending them to learn?  i.e., what is the success criteria?
Descriptions that activate the nouns – make the nouns say something
Teacher will respond as a reader – To promote further learning by responding as a reader, and using prompts.

4. What will it look like when the students understand it?
Student is able to identify sentences or phrases in their writing that portrayed the mood.
And what part of the writing could be strengthened to create more of a mood.  Students may use the phrase show not tell.  

5. What is the professional goal you are focussing on during this observation?
To promote further learning by responding as a reader and using prompts.

Responding to writing and using prompts has been introduced to the class.  However they are needing further work on how to give a response as feedback and how to use a prompt in order to promote further learning.

6. What will this look like in practice?
Selection of the students work from the chrome book writing will be printed out so we are working from a printed copy rather than from the computer

7. How will you know you have been successful?
When the student has been able to respond to a prompt by improving / strengthening / editing their writing.

When the teacher modelling of responses and prompts becomes the learning conversation in the classroom.

·         selecting vocabulary that is appropriate to the topic, register, and purpose (e.g., academic and subject-specific c vocabulary appropriate for specific c learning areas or precise and descriptive words to create a mental image);    (end of Year 6)
·         create content that is concise and relevant to the curriculum task, often including carefully selected detail and/or comment that supports or elaborates on the main points;  9Year 7 / 8)

To move Romy
·         In years 7 and 8, students create texts choosing content, language, and a clear and logical text structure to meet the requirements of the curriculum task (for example, when writing personal narratives, poems, arguments, feature articles, character profiles, research reports, essays, responses to literature, and short answers). By the end of year 8, students need to be confidently and deliberately choosing the most appropriate processes and strategies for writing in different learning areas.
·         understand their purposes for writing and how to achieve those purposes (e.g., by using different ways to examine and present their own thinking and knowledge);